4 secrets to enjoying life with a food allergy

A food allergy or intolerance can feel miserable. Common symptoms include stomach pain and bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, skin rashes and itching. Other people may just find that they are exhausted all the time or struggle to stay energetic as the day wears on. But there are ways to recover without having to give up all the things that you enjoy!
Find out what you are allergic to
There are various ways you can find out what allergies you have. A skin prick blood test at the Wimbledon Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic can identify allergies to more than 200 different foods, allowing you to cut those out right away.
Intolerances don’t present in the same way as allergies, and there is no objective test for them as intolerances are not an immune reaction like an allergy. However, keeping a food diary, noting what you’ve eaten and your symptoms can help you identify the culprit.
Research research research!
Once you know what you need to cut out, go online and start researching that food or allergen to know where it can be found. You might be surprised where you’ll find things like gluten and caffeine, and knowing where this lurk is key to ridding your body of them.

Make a choice
You can either continue to eat foods that you are used to and suffer the same issues or decide that you are going to take a new path and enjoy the way this makes your body feel. A big thing that people struggle with when identifying allergies and intolerances is that they won’t be able to eat their favourite foods anymore. Luckily there are so many alternatives now that if you can choose to cut the foods that make you ill out of your life, you’ll soon find that you don’t miss them at all.
Eat naturally
The easiest way to avoid allergens is to eat as naturally as possible, with lots of fresh produce, plenty of fibre and no processed foods. Avoid foods with a long list of ingredients, as these are the most likely to contain allergens hiding under different names, and cook for yourself. It is helpful for everyone to try to limit dairy and gluten, even if they don’t have a recognised allergy, as the body doesn’t process as well as other foods.
Do something today that your body will thank you for tomorrow. Call or visit https://www.chiropractorwimbledon.com/treatments/food-allergy-testing to book your food allergy test and start your life-changing journey!