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Hip Pain Treatment At Sports Injury Clinic

Hip pain can come from nearly all cardiovascular sports but is most commonly associated with runners due to impact. However, we see a high affinity in cyclists due to poor mechanical set-up, tennis and basketball players and cricketers. But then any obscure trauma ranging from slips-&-falls to Boots-to-bottoms.

slip trama to hip in sport treatment in Wimbledon
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The hip moves a lot, and the joint and muscle structure is advanced in design to achieve this range of movement. As you can imagine, no pain pill can fix these potential issues. Proper evaluation is, therefore, a must.

We offer a 'No Red Tape’ approach to getting your diagnosis. We can then progress you to treatment in an instant.

Whether its blood tests, MRIUltrasound or X-Ray evaluation, we either have the investigation in-house or can refer you for an appointment within a few days.

Once we know what part of the hip is damaged, we have one of the most extensive choices of therapies to offer you for ultimate recovery.

Hips, Super Strong - Can't Go Wrong

A specific rehabilitation programme is always given for this area - once we have reduced discomfort and got you out of the crisis! This approach helps you stay pain-free for longer.

Hip muscles weak gluts

Your hip diagnosis is our first step. Why not request a call back on the contact us page and discuss with our treatment advisor whether we can help you? CONTACT US

Hip muscles weak gluts