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Should I Wait for a Scan Before Starting Chiropractic Care?

  Should I Wait for a Scan Before Starting Chiropractic Care?

At Wimbledon Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic, one of the most common questions we receive from new patients is whether they should wait for a scan before beginning chiropractic care. 

It's an important consideration, as diagnostic imaging can provide valuable insights into one's condition. 

However, waiting for a scan is not always necessary or in the client's best interest. 

In this article, we'll explore when it might be essential to have a scan first and when you can safely begin chiropractic treatment without one.

The Role of Diagnostic Imaging

Firstly, we adore diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, which is crucial in modern healthcare. We love it so much that we, as a professional chiropractors, are trained at the undergrad level as radiologists for musculoskeletal health. 

At the Wimbledon Chiro Clinic, we have an X-ray suite to evaluate cases on-site quickly and efficiently without delay

These imaging tools help medical professionals such as ours diagnose various conditions by providing detailed images of the body's internal structures. 

They are handy for identifying fractures, dislocations, severe degenerative changes, tumours, and other significant pathologies.

When Should You Have a Scan Before Chiropractic Care?

There are specific situations where having a scan before starting chiropractic treatment is advisable:

    1. Acute Trauma

    If you have experienced a recent severe injury, such as a fall, car accident, or sports injury, an X-ray scan can help rule out fractures, dislocations, or other serious injuries that may require different medical interventions before chiropractic care.

    1. Severe Pain or Neurological Symptoms

    If you are experiencing intense pain that does not improve with rest or over-the-counter medications, or if you have neurological symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or weakness, a scan may be necessary to identify the underlying cause.

            The Role of Diagnostic Imaging
            When Chiropractic Care Can Start Without a Scan
                1. Chronic Conditions

                For individuals with chronic conditions like longstanding back pain or previous spinal surgeries, imaging can provide valuable information about the spine's current state and guide the chiropractor in developing a safe and effective treatment plan.

                1. Red Flags

                Specific symptoms, known as red flags, indicate the need for immediate imaging. 

                These include unexplained weight loss, a history of cancer, night pain that does not ease with rest, and significant recent changes in bowel or bladder function. 

                      These include unexplained weight loss, a history of cancer, night pain that does not ease with rest, and significant recent changes in bowel or bladder function. 

                      But at the clinic, we have a few of our own ‘red flags’ that indicate the need for further investigation; these might be a history of you having care with someone else that has not yielded significant or long-term results. After postural analysis, we see substantial postal deformities. These often indicate changes in the bone structure that you wouldn’t otherwise expect or congenital/born with anomalies. 

                      Spotting these is crucial for a smooth care plan but can also flag cases where the expected changes might be 30% lower than a traditional client. This means we can advise the clients that they will likely heal much slower than expected. However, with that said, we are amazed daily by cases that look on scans as if they should recover slowly or hardly recover at all and have been told by other clinicians that they are candidates for invasive surgery, and yet they get better and sometimes get better quicker than clients with all the norms

                      When Chiropractic Care Can Start Without a Scan

                      For many patients, especially those with common musculoskeletal issues, starting chiropractic care without a scan is perfectly safe and often recommended. Here’s why:

                      1. Comprehensive Physical Examination

                      Chiropractors are trained to perform thorough physical examinations and take detailed patient histories. This process often provides sufficient information to make an accurate diagnosis and develop an initial treatment plan.

                      2. Trial of Conservative Care

                      In many cases, a trial of conservative care, such as chiropractic adjustments, exercise therapy, and lifestyle modifications, can be initiated. If symptoms improve with this approach, further imaging may not be necessary. 

                      In the system in the UK with the NHS, unless we’ve got a private route to imagery, say upstairs in our private facility or to a hospital around the corner for a semi-instant turnaround, then if the client is instead put into a queue while suffering. Now, of course, this isn’t always the case on NHS, but it’s something we come across regularly. 

                      Still, we must remember something about the body's mechanics: that healing has a window of opportunity and that the static and guarded body quickly becomes weaker, and the tissues get stiffer. Therefore, waiting too long to scan invariably means slower results once treatment eventually starts. Healing time is undoubtedly linked to the time pain and guarding have been present. 

                      Trial of Conservative Care
                      Personalised Approach at Wimbledon Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic

                      For example, if we can get the scan in a week! 👍🏻- great! But if the scan is going to take four weeks 👎🏻, it tends to put the client into further chronicity meetings as they are getting weaker. And then the mental outlook is getting worse because of the pain levels.

                      Trial treatment may be just what the client needs; however, and experienced Chiropractor can assume the worst and work from the point. I.e., the practitioner may say if the MRI or x-ray shows this, I would do this in the worst-case scenario. So they may assume you are a worse case than you appear and use technics that are softer.

                      1. Monitoring Progress

                      Chiropractors can monitor your progress closely. If your condition does not improve as expected or worsens, they may recommend further imaging to reassess and refine your treatment plan.

                      1. Cost and Accessibility

                      Scans can be expensive and may not be immediately accessible to everyone. Starting chiropractic care without delay can relieve and prevent further deterioration while awaiting imaging, if necessary, later.

                      Personalised Approach at Wimbledon Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic

                      At Wimbledon Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic, we believe in a personalised approach to healthcare. Our experienced chiropractors will carefully assess your condition during your initial consultation. If there are indications that imaging is needed, we will discuss this with you and help facilitate the process. However, for many patients, we can begin effective treatment right away, focusing on pain relief, improved function, and overall well-being.

                      In conclusion, while there are specific situations where waiting for a scan before starting chiropractic care is essential, many patients can safely begin treatment without delay. If you're unsure about your condition or have concerns, we encourage you to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to provide expert guidance and care tailored to your needs, helping you get back to your best as quickly and safely as possible.

                      Feel free to contact Wimbledon Chiropractic and Sports Injury Clinic with any questions or to book your appointment today. Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we're here to support you every step of the way.